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Plz Mithra new list

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  • Plz Mithra new list

    Please give main and sub-arms of Misra the list.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    Re: Plz Mithra new list

    Sorry but what you are saying doesnt make any sense to me.
    Only Pure Souls Can Resist The Stain Of Blood.

    63mnk /63Blu/ ~61 Smn~ /54pld /52rng/46drk/43nin34war/35thf/29whm/18rdm/15drg
    Former beta tester (Yoko)(drk43/mnk36/sam20/war15)

    Which FF Character Are You?


    • #3
      Re: Plz Mithra new list

      I thought I was the only one who thought he she was typing incoherently, yipee!
      ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


      • #4
        Re: Plz Mithra new list

        No clue but from the sound of it she's requesting a list of Mithra weapon .dats???

        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


        • #5
          Re: Plz Mithra new list

          Originally posted by Macht
          No clue but from the sound of it she's requesting a list of Mithra weapon .dats???
          Either that or the body and hands or armor...
          Originally posted by Ellipses
          Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
          Originally posted by MCLV
          A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
          More Sig:


          • #6
            Re: Plz Mithra new list

            JP attack.


            • #7
              Re: Plz Mithra new list

              Originally posted by Tsikuro
              JP attack.
              or blatent stupidity
              GoblinSmithy>> Surprise!!!
              GoblinSmithy>> (( Sneak Attack )) --> Thief

              And I stabbed him with everything I had.

              In the ass.


              • #8
                Re: Plz Mithra new list

                I'm sorry for everybody.

                My English is unskilled. I do not intend to disarrange the place.

                These sentences are things input by using the automatic translation.

                List = FFXImodelviewer list file

                main and sub-arms = Mithra main Weapon & sub Weapon of listfile data
                Last edited by Kalula; 06-21-2006, 08:23 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: Plz Mithra new list

                  Hah, who's the code cracker huh >.>

                  Seems I hit pretty close to what they wanted.

                  Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                  • #10
                    Re: Plz Mithra new list

                    all mithra "sub weapons"

                    all ROm folder


                    55-54,Hand: Avengers = RPM/55/54.DAT

                    55-27,Bare Handed
                    55-54,Hand: Avengers
                    55-55,Hand: Darksteel Katars
                    55-56,Hand: Katars
                    55-57,Hand: Jamadhars
                    55-58,Hand: Exocets
                    55-59,Hand: Darksteel Claws
                    55-60,Hand: Claws
                    55-61,Hand: Mythril Claws
                    55-62,Hand: Cermet Claws
                    55-63,Hand: Cesti
                    55-64,Hand: Lizard/Burning Cesti
                    55-65,Hand: Poison Cesti
                    55-66,Hand: Darksteel Knuckles
                    55-67,Hand: Bronze Knuckles
                    55-68,Hand: Brass Knuckles
                    55-69,Hand: Metal Knuckles
                    55-70,Hand: Mythril Knuckles
                    55-71,Hand: Keonigs/Kaiser Knuckles
                    55-72,Hand: Diamond Knuckles
                    55-73,Hand: Manople
                    55-74,Hand: Gold Patas
                    55-75,Hand: Patas
                    55-76,Hand: Bone Patas
                    55-77,Hand: Cat Baghnakhs
                    55-78,Hand: Brass Baghnakhs
                    55-79,Hand: Baghnakhs
                    55-80,Hand: Rune Baghnakhs (Rune)
                    142-54,Hand: Spharai (Relic-5)
                    149-91,Hand: Adargas
                    166-93,Hand: Sainti
                    115-119,Dagger: Valiant Knife
                    115-120,Dagger: Darksteel Knife
                    115-121,Dagger: Bronze Knife
                    115-122,Dagger: Knife
                    115-123,Dagger: Mythril Knife
                    115-124,Dagger: Cermet Knife
                    115-125,Dagger: Hornetneedle
                    115-126,Dagger: Bronze Dagger
                    115-127,Dagger: Brass Dagger
                    116-0,Dagger: Dagger
                    116-1,Dagger: Mythril Dagger
                    116-2,Dagger: Darksteel Baselard
                    116-3,Dagger: Baselard
                    116-4,Dagger: Mythril Baselard
                    116-5,Dagger: Darksteel Kukri
                    116-6,Dagger: Kukri
                    116-7,Dagger: Mythril Kukri
                    116-8,Dagger: Cermet Kukri
                    116-9,Dagger: Sword Breaker
                    116-10,Dagger: Parrying Knife
                    116-11,Dagger: Bano Del Sol
                    116-12,Dagger: Kris
                    116-13,Dagger: Triple Dagger
                    116-14,Dagger: Burnite Shell Stone
                    116-107,Dagger: Kard
                    142-48,Dagger: Mandau (Relic-5)
                    142-52,Dagger: Argent Dagger
                    148-6,Dagger: Harpe/Perseus' Harpe
                    164-40,Dagger: Jambiya
                    116-15,Sword: Colichemarde
                    116-16,Sword: *Unknown 01
                    116-17,Sword: *Unknown 02
                    116-18,Sword: Buzzard Tuck
                    116-19,Sword: Joyeuse
                    116-20,Sword: Guespiere
                    116-21,Sword: Aramis's Rapier
                    116-22,Sword: Fencing Degen
                    116-23,Sword: *Unknown 07
                    116-24,Sword: Epee
                    116-25,Sword: Fleuret
                    116-26,Sword: Schwert
                    116-27,Sword: Hornet/Wasp Fleuret
                    116-59,Sword: Spatha
                    116-60,Sword: Gold Sword
                    116-61,Sword: Longsword
                    116-62,Sword: Knight's Sword
                    116-63,Sword: Saber
                    116-64,Sword: Rune Blade (Rune)
                    116-65,Sword: Sapara
                    116-66,Sword: Scimitar
                    116-67,Sword: Tulwar
                    116-68,Sword: Hanger
                    116-69,Sword: Ridill
                    116-70,Sword: Darksteel Falchion
                    116-71,Sword: Platinum Cutlass
                    116-72,Sword: Falchion
                    116-73,Sword: Cutlass
                    116-74,Sword: Xiphos
                    116-75,Sword: Brass Xiphos
                    116-76,Sword: Gladius/Gladiator
                    116-77,Sword: Darksteel Sword
                    116-78,Sword: Bronze Sword
                    116-79,Sword: Jagdplaute
                    116-80,Sword: Iron Sword
                    116-81,Sword: Mythril Sword
                    116-82,Sword: Dainslaif
                    116-83,Sword: Cermet Sword
                    116-84,Sword: Anelace
                    116-85,Sword: Katzbalger
                    116-86,Sword: Broadsword
                    116-87,Sword: Coral/Merman's Sword
                    116-88,Sword: Hrotti
                    116-89,Sword: Bastard Sword
                    116-90,Sword: Hunting/War Sword
                    116-91,Sword: Espadon
                    116-92,Sword: Greed Scimitar
                    116-93,Sword: Ancient Sword
                    116-94,Sword: Kaiser Sword
                    116-95,Sword: Kubikiri
                    116-96,Sword: Holy Sword
                    116-97,Sword: Gluttony Sword
                    116-98,Sword: Wing Sword
                    142-47,Sword: Excalibur (Relic-5)
                    150-117,Sword: Shotel
                    164-39,Sword: Kilij
                    165-6,Sword: Macuahuitl
                    115-85,Club: Chocobo Wand
                    115-102,Club: Oak Cudgel
                    115-103,Club: Bone Cudgel
                    115-104,Club: Buzdygan
                    115-105,Club: Darksteel Mace
                    115-106,Club: Bronze Mace
                    115-107,Club: Mace
                    115-108,Club: Mythril Mace
                    115-109,Club: Holy Mace
                    115-110,Club: Ash Club
                    115-111,Club: Chestnut/Solid Club
                    115-112,Club: Shellbuster
                    115-113,Club: Great Club
                    115-114,Club: Darksteel Maul
                    115-115,Club: Bronze Hammer
                    115-116,Club: Brass Hammer
                    115-117,Club: Warhammer
                    115-118,Club: Maul
                    116-28,Club: Senior Gold Musketeer's Rod
                    116-29,Club: Darksteel Rod
                    116-30,Club: Bronze Rod
                    116-31,Club: Brass Rod
                    116-32,Club: Rod
                    116-33,Club: Mythril Rod
                    116-34,Club: Bone Rod
                    116-35,Club: Ebony Rod
                    116-36,Club: Yew Wand
                    116-37,Club: Maple Wand
                    116-38,Club: Mythic Wand
                    116-39,Club: Mistilteinn
                    116-40,Club: Rose Wand
                    116-41,Club: Chestnut/Solid Wand
                    116-42,Club: Willow Wand
                    116-43,Club: Caduceus
                    116-44,Club: *Unknown 01
                    116-45,Club: *Unknown 02
                    116-46,Club: *Unknown 03
                    116-47,Club: *Unknown 04
                    116-48,Club: *Unknown 05
                    116-49,Club: *Unknown 06
                    116-50,Club: Star Rod
                    116-51,Club: Wizard's Rod
                    116-52,Club: Poison Wand
                    116-53,Club: Thunder Wand
                    116-54,Club: *Unknown 09
                    116-55,Club: Wind Wand
                    116-56,Club: Flame Wand
                    116-57,Club: Ice Wand
                    116-58,Club: Earth Wand
                    116-99,Club: Mjollnir (Relic-5)
                    142-49,Club: Rune Rod (Rune)
                    142-50,Club: *Unknown 15
                    149-90,Club: Morgenstern
                    150-118,Club: *Unknown 16
                    159-104,Club: Charm Wand
                    160-125,Club: Moogle Rod
                    164-41,Club: Jadagna
                    115-86,Axe: Bronze Axe
                    115-87,Axe: Brass Axe
                    115-88,Axe: Battleaxe
                    115-89,Axe: Mythril Axe
                    115-90,Axe: Bone Axe
                    115-91,Axe: Acha d'Armas
                    115-92,Axe: Darksteel Tabar
                    115-93,Axe: Tabar
                    115-94,Axe: Darksteel Axe
                    115-95,Axe: Rune Axe (Rune)
                    115-96,Axe: Reserve Captain's Pick
                    115-97,Axe: Darksteel Pick
                    115-98,Axe: War Pick
                    115-99,Axe: Mythril Pick
                    115-100,Axe: Bone Pick
                    115-101,Axe: Orcish Axe
                    142-53,Axe: Guttler (Relic-5)
                    145-77,Axe: Tomahawk
                    116-100,Katana: Fudo
                    116-101,Katana: Shinobi-gatana
                    116-102,Katana: Kodachi
                    116-103,Katana: Sakurafubuki
                    116-104,Katana: Kabutowari
                    116-105,Katana: Kageboshi
                    116-106,Katana: Kunai
                    142-51,Katana: Kikoku (Relic-5)
                    152-19,Katana: Sai
                    158-71,Katana: Hirenjaku
                    55-28,Shield: *Unknown 01
                    55-29,Shield: *Unknown 02
                    55-30,Shield: Judge's Shield (GM)
                    55-31,Shield: Ritter Shield
                    55-32,Shield: Kite Shield
                    55-33,Shield: Heater Shield
                    55-34,Shield: Temple Knight Army Shield
                    55-35,Shield: Royal Knight's Army Shield
                    55-36,Shield: Royal Guard's Shield
                    55-37,Shield: Darksteel Shield
                    55-38,Shield: Marine/Turtle/Genbu's Shield
                    55-39,Shield: Tatami Shield
                    55-40,Shield: Scutum
                    55-41,Shield: Tower Shield
                    55-42,Shield: Faerie/Nymph Shield
                    55-43,Shield: Parana Shield
                    55-44,Shield: Lauan Shield
                    55-45,Shield: Mahogany/Strong Shield
                    55-46,Shield: Astral Shield
                    55-47,Shield: Strike Shield
                    55-48,Shield: Aspis
                    55-49,Shield: Gold/Gilt Buckler
                    55-50,Shield: Targe
                    55-51,Shield: Buckler
                    55-52,Shield: Darksteel/Spiked Buckler
                    55-53,Shield: Frost Shield
                    122-81,Shield: General's/Admiral's Shield
                    122-82,Shield: Koenig/Kaiser Shield
                    130-62,Shield: Acheron Shield
                    155-87,Shield: Aegis (Relic-5)
                    155-101,Shield: *Unknown 03
                    165-4,Shield: Tariqah
                    165-5,Shield: Januwiyah



                    • #11
                      Re: Plz Mithra new list

                      Thank you! We wish to express our gratitude.

